From Hemathia to Macedonia

Hesychius Alexandrini Lexikon tells us that:

Macedonia called it self
Hemathie or Emathie > E Mathie > Is Mother...

In Modern Maceodonian language the character H is almost vanished, it would be E instead of HE. This is however not the case in old Church Slavonic.

The aspiring TH is not present in Modern Macedonian but in Old Church Slavonic, though also present in to the "Slavic" vocabulary.

This way of referencing it's Mother Country points out to some pre- paternal designation. It is also known in Polish where they say that:

Fatherland”/”Mother Poland” (“Matka Ojczyzna,” “Matka Polska”),

And Russian also say:

мать Россия

And German HEIMAT could have derived from HEIM > HOME and MAT > Mother. It is no secret that many German words build clusters with many so called "Slavic" words and are proved of "Slavic" origin, cause half of the German Nation are assimilated "Slavic" speakers.

According to
Hesychius Alexandrini, ancient authors also used:

Makettia ........... Dialectical Macedonian MAKE > Mother while MAKEA > Stepmother.

and on the end it came to be

MAKE DONIA from MAKE > Mother and DON > Thracian word for PLACE.

Compare also DOM and DNO from the same root as DON.