[....] меч на македонците [....] император на елините, император на българите,
асаниите, власите, русите, аланите, чест на учението на ивири и сирийци, наследник на империята на своята земя, властелин на моретата, велики реки и острови Ангел Комнин Палеолог Кантакузин
Taken from:
"Византия - лекционен курс" на проф. Бакалов
A letter from the Mameloskian Sultan Melik-Nasir Muhamed in 1340-41 to the emperor Andronicus III Paleolog:
To [...] reasonable Adronik[...] sword of the Macedonian kingdom, the gallant Hellenic millitary system, Emperor of Bulgaria and Wallachia and Alanya ,autocrat of Russia an Iveriya ,and the Turks, and a successor of the Roman Empire, ruler of the two seas and rivers, Duke Angel Komnin Paleolog
A letter from the Sultan Melik-Nasir Hasan to John VI Kantakuzin in October 30, year 1349:
[....] sword of the Macedonians [....] emperor of the Hellens, Emperor of the Bulgarians, Asanians,Vallachians, Russians, Alans, to honor the teachings of iviri and Syrians, heir of the empire of his own land, ruler of the seas,great rivers and islands Angel Komnin Paleolog Kantakuzin