Bulgaris vs. Bulgarian vs Vulgarism

Гърците наричали българина "хондрокефалос", което означава дебелоглав, в смисъл твърдоглав, тъп, прост. На Запад през средновековието еретиците наричали "бугри" (фр. bougres), което произлиза от bulgare (българин) и означавало нещо лошо. Според френската енциклопедия "Ларус" думата означава оскърбителен термин, ругатня. В речника на Бл. Мавров тя означава тип, нехранимайко, проклетник. Академик Йордан Иванов в книгата си "Богомилски книги и легенди" пише, че във френския език са останали и до ден днешен думи и изрази, идещи от името "българин" (bougre) с негативно значение

Babylon French-English
bougre (m) n. fellow; damn; bugger

Babylon English-English

n. fellow, chap; person who commits sodomy

v. sodomize; bother
The etymology of this word is amusing, it returns to... Bulgarian !
To the Middle Ages (fine Xe S.), the Bulgarian ones went guilty to the eyes of Rome of the heresy bogomile (they did not believe where the pope said to them to believe). Have showed them to be sodomites, which charged the Latin term bulgarus of a sexual connotation.
The francized term became bogre then guy (= heretic, discharged, homosexual - much of significance for only one term!), bougrery being male homosexuality.
By extension one invented the bougress, designating the lesbian.
The scholars of the rebirth them replaced the bougrery term
by a more elegant name because resulting from the Greek: pederasty.

Nowadays the sexual connotation of the term was largely erased, a guy is almost the equivalent of a strapping man.

Babel Forum



The problem of Ethnic Term Bulgarian which was later lead to have bad connotation, got misunderstood by the "Common Population"/Peasants which used the Bastardized Latin Term Vulgarism with the meaning "Commoner"/"Peasant". This came to be cause the Sounds B and V are interchanging constantly. Good example of this phenomena is the the Greek character Beta β which in Ancient Greek was pronounced as B while in Modern Greek it is pronounced as V.

From Wikipedia:

"Vulgarism" derives from Latin vulgus, the "common folk", and has carried into English its original connotations linking it with the low and coarse motivations that were supposed to be natural to the commons, who were not moved by higher motives like fame for posterity and honor among peers — motives that were alleged to move the literate classes. Thus the concept of vulgarism carries cultural freight from the outset, and from some social and religious perspectives it does not genuinely exist, or — and perhaps this amounts to the same thing – ought not to exist.

While people who were known as the "Common Folk" under Roman Rule and later the same Term was used as Mass designation into the East Roman Empire, came to be misunderstood with the new comer Tatar Mongol Tribes designation "Bulgarian".

thats why in the Balkans the word Bulgarian had more to do with the Bastardized Latin word VULGARIS > Bulgaris > Bulgar than with the Ethnic designation of the Turk Tatars which most likely is derived from the River Volga in Modern Russia.


Also interesting to consider is the Latin: burgus and burgarius > small fortification; soldier stationed at burgus; which left traces in the Old Germanic as burgarius precisely in Old High German.